Neue Weltordnung


VeriChip kauft Steel Vault

Damit geht der Kontrollstaat und einhergehend die New World Order zum nächsten Schritt. Mit der PositiveID, so wird die neue Firma heissen, haben sie die Möglichkeit gechippte Menschen auch finanziell zu überwachen.

Im Klartext könnte das heisst, dass ein Mensch, der sich einen solchen Chip implantieren hat lassen, an einem Scanner, z.B. in einem Kaufhaus, über Gesundheitszustand und Kreditwürdigkeit gleichzeitig befragt werden könnte. Die Frage stellt natürlich der Scanner und die Antwort gibt der Chip. Der Konsument braucht sich um nichts weiter zu kümmern, zumal er davon auch nichts mitbekommt...

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Schlagwörter: NWO, Polizeistaat, Firmen, Steel Vault, VeriChip, PositiveID, USA


Petition gegen Zwangsimpfung

Eine Betroffene schrieb:

In such a crazy world already, we do not need to have vaccanations mandated on us. Do any of the people proposing this bill live with a family member who has had an adverse reaction to a vaccine??? Probably not, because you would probably never want to vaccinate again....It is not easy to live with a child who has health issues. Especially when one day your child was fine and the next they are not. Every day I agonize over my sons poor health and try to make things better for him. I want one of the legislators to come and stay with me for a while...then maybe they would second guess their decision. And on another note, it sure isn't acceptable to inject these horrible ingredients into our children. MSG, ALUMINUM, FORMELDIHYDE? I don't even want my kids to eat foods with MSG, let alone inject it into their blood stream. What is happening to our freedoms??? This is not what our fore fathers fought for, they are probably roling over in their graves. I am scared for our children and the future health of this country. Have the legislators looked at the health of other countries who do not vaccinate the way we do??? The US is suppose to be this great nation but will we continue if everyone is sick with chronic diseases?? From a concerned and frightened mother of 3 little boys


1976 Schweinegrippe Propaganda

Sie haben es damals versucht, sie versuchen es wieder. Wer gesund bleiben will, lässt sich besser NICHT impfen.

Indefinite Detention

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